The project is implemented on the basis of the resolution of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship Board in Rzeszów (No. 281/5585/17, of 7 March 2017) on the decision to implement the own project ‘Smart specialisations – a tool for growth of innovation and competitiveness of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship’, under Priority Axis I of the Regional Operational Programme of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship 2014-2020.
The project is an important instrument for the implementation by the Podkarpackie Voivodeship Self-Government of the regional innovation policy defined in the Regional Innovation Strategy of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship. The project also stems from the need to monitor, update and evaluate smart specialisations in the region. This fulfils a condition for thematic objective 1 under the 2014-2020 and 2021-2027 financial perspectives.
The main objective of the project is to fully launch and expand the system for monitoring progress in the implementation of the ‘Regional Innovation Strategy of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship 2014-2020 for smart specialisation (RIS3)’, as well as to organise the process of entrepreneurial discovery in the ecosystem of economy and science, to verify and update smart specialisations and to identify new areas/specialisations.
The essence of RIS3 Strategy monitoring will be to collect, develop and process information useful in the process of implementing the provisions of the document. The monitoring process will consist of systematic observation of changes occurring within individual specialisations and the objectives set out in the RIS3 Strategy.
The entrepreneurial discovery process (EIP) is understood as a process that integrates different stakeholders to identify research, development and innovation priorities around which private and public investments are focused. Entrepreneurs and representatives of business environment institutions, chambers of commerce and scientific institutes are key in identifying priorities.
Budget and project period:
The total project budget from 2016-01-01 to 2023-12-31 is: PLN 5,240,500.00.
The project includes tasks related to, among others:
Creation and functioning of monitoring and evaluation of the innovation strategy
The measure consists in the creation of a monitoring system for the implementation of innovation strategy adapted to the conditions of the Podkarpackie voivodeship, created in broad cooperation with SIP stakeholders, including in particular entrepreneurs operating in areas of smart specialisation, representatives of the world of science and public administration and business support institutions.
The measure is implemented through, among other things, the implementation of monitoring and thematic research on important aspects of the region’s economic development, as well as through the creation and operation of a website, which will be an integral part of the project.
and functioning of a website, which will be an information and communication platform. The aim of the website will be to present data in a transparent manner for IS stakeholders, including the publication of reports from completed surveys.
Strengthening structures and leading the ‘entrepreneurial discovery process’ (EIP) in the region.
The scope of the project includes a number of systemic activities related to the improvement of the
and dissemination of the entrepreneurial discovery process (EIP) as the most important instrument for the creation, implementation and updating of the RIS3 strategy, with the improvement of the existing innovation ecosystem, stimulation of cooperation between enterprises and the R&D sector.
Key objectives of the PPO:
The key elements of the regional SIP envisaged in the project are:
The Regional Innovation Strategy is not limited to the region. Success in implementing the objectives of the strategy depends largely on multi-level cooperation with the actors involved in leading the process in all EU regions, Member States and at the level of Community institutions.
At the European level, cooperation with the European Commission and its agencies, including the relevant units coordinating the implementation of smart strategies in Europe, i.e. the Joint Research Centre Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (the so-called S3Platform) in Seville, is of particular importance.
At national level, the project continues to work closely with, inter alia
with the Ministry of Development, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the National Centre for Research and Development, the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, the Regional Forum for Intelligent Specialisations at the Convention of Marshals of the Republic of Poland and all Polish regions implementing RIS3 strategies.
Promoting the S3 process, the idea of innovation and creativity in the region.
The project contributes to increasing the knowledge and willingness of enterprises to undertake R&D&I activities and implement innovations through cooperation with other actors of the regional innovation system resulting from the RIS3 strategy.
A very important objective of the project is to continue and spread the entrepreneurial discovery process and strengthen the existing innovation ecosystem in the region.