Monitoring and evaluation

Indicators of operational objectives for aviation and astronautics:


Operational objective 1: The increase in the number and quality of technologies and products of the aerospace and defense industries

CO.A.1. Expenditures on R & D in aviation enterprises [%] – total of total internal expenditure on research and development
in aviation sector enterprises calculated as a percentage of GDP.

Operational objective 2: Increase in the number and quality of technologies and products of the transport industry (a common goal for two specializations)

CO.A.2. The value of sold production in aviation specialization enterprises and cosmonautics – is the sum of the value of sold production of industry in enterprises belonging to the PKD divisions, i.e. 1392, 2219, 2451, 2453, 2540, 2550, 2561, 2562, 2599, 2651, 2670, 2740, 2790, 2811, 2812, 2815, 2815, 2899, 2932, 3030, 3312, 3316, 5110, 5223, 7112, 7120, 7219.

Operational objective 3: Innovative solutions for mobility in cities and in rural areas, eg overhead city railway

CO.A.3. Number of innovative projects in the field of mobility – the indicator includes innovative projects (implemented and financed under the Pomorskie ROP) in the field of mobility in cities and in urban areas, including for example the development of multimodal transport.


Indicators of operational objectives for quality of life:


Operational objective: Development of eco-innovative, profiled tourist services

CO.B.1. Accommodation places in agrotourism accommodation – number of beds

Operational objective: To improve the satisfaction of the needs that create the quality of life

CO.B.2. Average life expectancy (men / women) – in accordance with the methodology and definition adopted by the Central Statistical Office, the indicator expresses the average number of years of survival for a person aged 0 assuming mortality from the period for which life tables were developed.

Operational objective: To increase the share of energy produced from RES in the total production and use of energy

CO.B.3. Share of renewable energy in total electricity production – share of the total sum of renewable electricity production in total electricity production (total production of thermal, hydro and renewable power plants).


Indicators of operational goals for the automotive industry:


Operational objective: Increase in the number and quality of technologies and products of the transport industry

CO.C.1. The value of sold production in enterprises producing means of transport – is the sum of the value of sold production of industry in enterprises belonging to the PKD divisions: 1392, 2211, 2219, 2312, 2651, 2720, 2811, 2830, 2910, 2920, 2931, 2932, 3091, 4511, 4519, 4520, 4531, 4532, 4540.

Operational objective: Increase in the number and quality of technologies and low-carbon products in the automotive industry

CO.C.2. Expenditures on R & D in enterprises in the automotive industry [%] – the sum of total internal expenditure on research and development in enterprises in the automotive industry calculated as a percentage of GDP.

Operational objective: Increase in the share of low-emission and ecological means of individual and collective transport

CO.C.3. Purchased low-emission means of transport for public transport from ROP funds – defined by the absolute number of purchased passenger transport units in public public transport of public transport (number of buses purchased used in municipal passenger transport, performed within the city’s administrative boundaries (also in neighboring units, if an agreement was concluded or an inter-municipal connection has been created for the joint implementation of public mass transport) (RPO WP 2014-2020).


Indicators of operational objectives for ICT:


Operational objective: Broadband Internet in every company and in every household

CO.D.1. Enterprises with broadband Internet access (%) – share of non-financial enterprises employing more than 9 people with broadband Internet access in general in this category of enterprises (BDL GUS).

Operational objective: Increase in the number and quality of offered products and services in the ICT industry

CO.D.2. Value of sold production in divisions 61-63 – value in PLN, total of departments: telecommunications (61), activities related to software and consultancy in the field of computer science and related activities (62); service activities in the field of information.